How to configure Email id in windows mail app?
In this article, we will cover how to Configure Email provided by in Windows Mail App.
- Log in to your Hosting Control Panel
- Navigate to Email Manager > Email Accounts
3. If you don’t have an email account for your Domain then Create a new email account as below. And if you already have one then just skip Steps 3 and 4.
4. Note down the Mail settings (POP, IMAP & SMTP)
5. Open the Mail App on your PC
6. Click on Accounts > Add Account. Then Click on Advanced Setup
7. Choose the Internet Mail option
8. Enter Email Account Details as Follows and Click on the Sign In button
Email Address:
Password: <password of above email>
Account: <enter the account name>
Send your messages using this name: <enter the account name>
Incoming mail server:
Account Type: IMAP4
Outgoing (SMTP) Email Server:
9. Once the Email account was successfully set up you will see a screen as below
That’s all, the email provided by has been successfully set up on the Windows Mail app.